You are viewing Version 1 of the Sezzle API. Check out the current version!
The Sezzle API v1 is intended for merchants interested in accepting Sezzle as a payment option. The Sezzle Integration Flow illustrates the user payment interaction.
Sezzle supports individually authorized transactions for a single purchase of goods or services.
Field or header names in bold case followed by an asterisk are required. (For example, this_is_required* is a required field whereas this_is_optional is not.)
While you are working on the integration, you should test it before going live. Please use this section for information on testing.
API Endpoint
Sandbox Dashboard
Test Data
You can use the following test data to test your integration
Bank Test Bank
Username demo
Password go
Card Number 4242424242424242
CVV/CVC any (3 numbers)
Expiration Date any
Name any
Address any
Phone and other information
- Please use any valid phone number.
- The expected
. - Personal information does not need to be real.
Open API
The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) defines a standard, language-agnostic interface to RESTful APIs which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of the service without access to source code, documentation, or through network traffic inspection.
Download the Sezzle OpenAPI Specification for Sandbox or Production.
Client Generator
The Sezzle OpenAPI Specification can be imported into the Swagger Editor
to easily generate a Sezzle client in a variety of programming languages. Generate a Sezzle client for Sandbox or Production.
Integration Flow
Overview of Integration Flow
Explanation of payment flow
- Merchant calls
to send cart data to Sezzle. - Sezzle returns URL to redirect consumer to make payment at Sezzle checkout.
- Merchant redirects the consumer to Sezzle.
- When the consumer completes the Sezzle checkout flow, they are redirected back to merchant's website.
- Alternatively, on approval, the consumer is redirected from Sezzle checkout to merchant's website and merchant captures the order by calling
Obtain Authentication Token
To authorize, use the following format:
Request Body
"public_key": "myPublicKey",
"private_key": "myPrivateKey"
Make sure to replace
with your API keys from your Merchant Dashboard.
Response Body
"token": "authToken",
"expiration_date": "2017-01-01T01:30:25.388940303Z",
"merchant_uuid": "merchant1234567890"
Sezzle uses scoped API keys to allow access to the API. You can find/generate these keys on your merchant dashboard once you have been approved by Sezzle.
Once you have a valid token, it must be used as a Header for subsequent requests to our API, using the format below.
Authorization: Bearer authToken
Setting your configuration
Request Body
"webhook_url": ""
There is no response body for this request. If successful, we return an HTTP 200 Status OK.
At this time, Sezzle only allows configuration of the URL that we send our webhooks to.
Parameter | Type | Description |
webhook_url* | string | A URL for us to send our webhooks to. |
Create a Checkout
Request Body
"amount_in_cents": 12999,
"currency_code": "USD",
"order_reference_id": "Ref123456789",
"order_description": "Order #1800",
"checkout_cancel_url": "",
"checkout_complete_url": "",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "",
"phone": "5555045294"
"billing_address": {
"name": "John Doe",
"street": "123 W Lake St",
"street2": "Unit 104",
"city": "Minneapolis",
"state": "MN",
"postal_code": "55408",
"country_code": "US",
"phone_number": "5555045294"
"shipping_address": {
"name": "John Doe",
"street": "123 W Lake St",
"street2": "Unit 104",
"city": "Minneapolis",
"state": "MN",
"postal_code": "55408",
"country_code": "US",
"phone_number": "5555045294"
"requires_shipping_info": false,
"items": [
"name": "widget",
"sku": "sku123456",
"quantity": 1,
"price": {
"amount_in_cents": 1000,
"currency": "USD"
"discounts": [
"name": "20% off",
"amount": {
"amount_in_cents": 1000,
"currency": "USD"
"tax_amount": {
"amount_in_cents": 1000,
"currency": "USD"
"shipping_amount": {
"amount_in_cents": 1000,
"currency": "USD"
"metadata": {
"location_id": "123",
"store_name": "Downtown Minneapolis",
"store_manager": "Jane Doe"
Response Body
"checkout_url": "<checkout_id>",
"checkout_uuid": "<checkout_id>"
HTTP Request
This checkout endpoint creates a checkout in our system, and returns the URL that you should redirect the user to. We suggest you provide as much optional information about the user as you have available, since this will speed up our checkout process and increase conversion.
Sezzle is able to handle the entire checkout process after a Checkout has been provided. However, if your flow requires that the user confirm their checkout on
your site after being approved by Sezzle, you may include the merchant_completes
parameter with the checkout request. In this flow, Sezzle will not complete the
order unless you make a checkout completion request.
Checkout Object
Parameter | Type | Description |
amount_in_cents* | int | The amount of the checkout. Must be at least 100 amount in cents $1.00 |
currency_code* | string | The currency code of the checkout |
order_reference_id* | string | A reference to this checkout in your systems |
order_description* | string | A user-facing description for this checkout |
checkout_cancel_url* | string | The URL we should redirect the customer to in the case of a cancellation |
checkout_complete_url* | string | The URL we should redirect to in the case of a successful checkout |
checkout_expiration | string | Checkout expiration in ISO 8601 date/time format |
customer_details | object | The customer in the checkout |
billing_address | object | The billing address of the checkout |
shipping_address | object | The shipping address of the checkout |
requires_shipping_info | boolean | Flag to indicate if you would like us to collect shipping information for this checkout from the customer. If omitted, will default to false |
items | array | The items being purchased |
discounts | array | The discounts applied. Must be included in the total |
tax_amount | object | The taxes applied to this checkout. Must be included in the total |
shipping_amount | object | The shipping fees applied to this checkout. Must be included in the total |
merchant_completes | boolean | Flag to determine whether this checkout must be completed by the merchant. If omitted, will default to false |
metadata | object | Object for any custom data you want to submit with the checkout. You are not limited to the key-value pairs shown in the example, and you may use any key-value pairs you like |
send_checkout_url | object | A Notification object for sending checkout URL to the customer |
locale | string | Localizes the checkout. Accepted values are en-US (English, United States), en-CA (English, Canada), and fr-CA (French, Canada). Defaults to en-US if not provided. |
Customer Details Object
Parameter | Type | Description |
first_name | string | The user's first name |
last_name | string | The user's last name |
string | The user's email address | |
phone | string | The user's phone number |
Address Object
This is used for both billing and shipping
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string | The name on the address |
street | string | The street and number of the address |
street2 | string | The apt or unit |
city | string | The city |
state | string | The 2 character state code |
postal_code | string | The postal delivery code |
country_code | string | The 2 character country code |
phone_number | string | The phone number at the delivery location |
Item Object
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the item |
sku | string | The sku identifier |
quantity | int | The quantity purchased |
price | object | The price object |
Tax Amount Object
Parameter | Type | Description |
tax_amount | object | A price object |
Shipping Amount Object
Parameter | Type | Description |
shipping_amount | object | A price object |
Discount Object
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string | The description of the discount |
amount | object | A price object |
Price Object
Parameter | Type | Description |
amount_in_cents | int | The amount of the item in pennies |
currency | string | The 3 character currency code as defined by ISO 4217 |
Metadata Object
Use the metadata object for any additional information you would like to attach to the checkout. All values must be strings.
Parameter | Type | Description |
some_field_name | string | Custom metadata field |
some_other_field_name | string | Custom metadata field |
Notification Object
A valid notification object contains at a minimum a phone or an email.
Parameter | Type | Description |
to_sms_phone | string | The SMS phone number of the notification |
to_email | string | The email address of the notification |
language | string | The 2-character ISO 639 langauge code of the notification. Acceptable values are "en" and "fr". Will default to English if not provided |
Complete a Checkout (optional)
Success response
Echoes the given Checkout.
Rejection response
"status": 409,
"id": "checkout_expired",
"message": "checkout not completed within time limit"
If you pass true
to merchant_completes
in our Create Checkout flow, then you must call our Complete Checkout endpoint.
For some checkouts, a merchant may need to have the user return to their site for additional steps before completing the purchase. If this is the case, the order completion endpoint is used to complete the Checkout with Sezzle. From the time the user is redirected back to the Merchant's site, you must make the request to complete the checkout within 30 minutes, or the checkout will be canceled by Sezzle. If the checkout has expired, we will return the rejection response on the right, with a Status 409. The default expiration period for new orders may be extended up to 7 days in your merchant dashboard.
There are two non-error responses expected. Either an HTTP 200, which echoes all accepted fields given at Checkout creation, or a rejection message.
Order Details
Order Details Response Body
"created_at": "2018-11-02T20:09:59Z",
"captured_at": "2018-11-02T20:18:50Z",
"capture_expiration": "2018-11-02T20:48:45Z",
"description": "Description of order",
"amount_in_cents": 20000,
"usd_amount_in_cents": 20000,
"customer_amount_in_cents": 20000,
"currency_code": "USD",
"customer_currency_code": "USD",
"reference_id": "Ref123456789",
"customer": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "",
"phone": "5555045294"
"shipping_address": {
"name": "John Doe",
"phone_number": "5555045294",
"street": "123 W Lake St",
"street2": "Unit 104",
"city": "Minneapolis",
"state": "MN",
"postal_code": "55408",
"country_code": "US"
"billing_address": {
"name": "John Doe",
"phone_number": "5555045294",
"street": "123 W Lake St",
"street2": "Unit 104",
"city": "Minneapolis",
"state": "MN",
"postal_code": "55408",
"country_code": "US"
"refunds": [
"amount": {
"amount_in_cents": 10000,
"currency": "USD"
"created_at": "2018-11-02T20:09:59Z",
"is_full_refund": false,
"order_reference_id": "Ref123456789",
"refund_id": "52b2O9Lv-8",
"refund_reason": "broken"
"metadata": {
"location_id": "123",
"store_name": "Downtown Minneapolis",
"store_manager": "Jane Doe"
"items": [
"name": "widget",
"sku": "sku123456",
"quantity": 1,
"price": {
"amount_in_cents": 1000,
"currency": "USD"
Once an order is created, you can retrieve the details of the order using this endpoint.
Optional Query Parameter(s)
Parameter | Type | Values | Description |
include-shipping-info | string | true or false | If your checkout post data required us to collect shipping information from the customer, then you can request that information alongside the order details. |
Order Refunds
Refund Request Body
"refund_id": "41a2O9Lv-7",
"amount": {
"amount_in_cents": 500,
"currency": "USD"
"refund_reason": "Item returned by user"
Sezzle allows refunds for orders either through our Merchant Dashboard or through the API. If the refund is processed through the dashboard, a webhook will be sent to your system. In either case, Sezzle allows for either partial or complete refunds. Refund amounts are relative to the order total, not the amount that has been paid by the shopper.
Refund Request
Parameter | Type | Description |
amount* | object | A price object that defines the amount to be refunded. Amount may not be 0, negative, or exceed the total order amount. Currency must either be the order's currency or the customer's paying currency. This field is optional if the is_full_refund parameter is true. |
refund_id | string | UUID for the Refund. Must be unique to a Merchant. |
refund_reason | string | A reason for the refund. |
is_full_refund | boolean | Overrides amount . If true, the order will be fully refunded. If omitted, will default to false |
Settlement Reports
These endpoints allow you to view a list of payout summaries or a detailed report of an individual payout.
Settlement Summaries Response Body
"uuid": "b7916fbe-f30a-4435-b411-124634287a8ca",
"payout_currency": "USD",
"payout_date": "2019-12-09T15:52:33Z",
"net_settlement_amount": 9370,
"forex_fees": 0,
"status": "Complete"
"uuid": "c51343hba-d54b-5641-e341-15235523b3at",
"payout_currency": "USD",
"payout_date": "2019-12-10T15:52:33Z",
"net_settlement_amount": 23470,
"forex_fees": 0,
"status": "Complete"
Settlement Summaries Request
Query Parameter | Description |
start-date* | The UTC start date for the report. Must be in yyyy-mm-dd format. |
end-date | The UTC end date for the report. Must be in yyyy-mm-dd format. If omitted, will default to the current date. |
offset | The offset for the report. Limit is 20. |
currency-code | The ISO-4217 currency code selected by users at checkout. If omitted, will default to USD. |
Settlement Details Response
703.20,-5.00,-43.80,.30,0.00,0.00,-4.30,1.71,10.00,100.00,-100.00,0.00,693.61,a5c13qt1-4126-41d3-2fq8-9ca431f51431,USD,2019-11-02 00:05:00 +0000 UTC,Complete
Settlement Details Request
Query Parameter | Description |
metadata | An optional comma-separated list of metadata keys. To add a metadata key as a column to the report line items, include the key in this list. When applicable, the value of the metadata key will be added to the line item. If no line items contain the metadata key, the key will not be added as a column. |
The settlement details response contains two sections. The first two rows are a summary of the payout. The remaining rows contain the individual line items that contributed to the payout.
Summary column definitions:
Column Header | Description |
Total order amount | The sum of all orders on this payout. |
Total refund amount | The sum of all refunds on this payout. |
Total fee amount | The sum of all fees on this payout. |
Total returned fee amount | The sum of all returned fees on this payout. |
Total chargeback amount | The sum of all chargebacks on this payout. |
Total chargeback reversal amount | The sum of all chargeback reversals on this payout. |
Total interest transfer amount | The sum of all interest transfers on this payout. If you are not participating in the interest program, this field will be omitted. |
Total correction amount | The sum of all corrections on this payout. |
Total referral revenue transfer amount | The sum of all referral revenue transfers on this payout. |
Total bank account withdrawal amount | The sum of all bank account withdrawals. |
Total bank account withdrawal reversal amount | The sum of all bank account withdrawal reversals, which reflect a bank account withdrawal that has failed. |
Forex fees | The cost of foreign exchange fees associated with this payout. |
Net settlement amount | Net amount of settlement. |
Payment uuid | The UUID for this payout. |
Settlement currency | The currency in which this payout was sent. |
Payout date | The date this payout was sent. |
Payout status | The current status of this payout. |
Line item column definitions:
Column Header | Description |
Type | Describes the type of event (Order, Fee, Refund, etc.). |
Order capture date | The date at which the order was captured. This field is empty if the order has not yet been captured. |
Order created at | The date at which the order was created. |
Event date | The date at which the event took place. |
Order uuid | The uuid associated with the order. |
Customer order id | The customer's order number. |
External reference id | The external reference ID submitted with the order. |
Amount | The amount of the event. |
Posting currency | The customer's currency code. |
Type code | A numeric code that corresponds with the Type field. |
Chargeback code | A numeric code that corresponds with the type of chargeback submitted. |
Sezzle order ID | The internal ID Sezzle has assigned to this order. |
Line item event type definitions:
Type | Description | Type Code |
ORDER | A completed order with Sezzle. | 001 |
REFUND | An order that has been refunded. | 002 |
FEE | The fee assessed by Sezzle for a given order. | 003 |
RETURNED_FEE | A fee refunded by Sezzle. | 004 |
CHARGEBACK | A chargeback resulting from a disputed order. | 005 |
CHARGEBACK_REVERSAL | A reversal of a chargeback resulting from a disputed order. | 006 |
CORRECTION | A manual correction to a payout. | 007 |
INTEREST_TRANSFER | A transfer from the Sezzle interest account. | 008 |
REFERRAL_REVENUE_TRANSFER | A payment earned from Sezzle's merchant referral program. | 009 |
BANK_ACCOUNT_WITHDRAWAL | A withdrawal of funds from your bank to cover a negative balance with Sezzle. | 010 |
Interest Account Reports
Sezzle gives merchants the option to enroll in an interest account program. If you are enrolled in the interest account program, you can use these endpoints to get the current balance and activity on the interest account. Fractions of cents are tracked to properly calculate daily interest accrual even if the interest balance is low.
Interest Account Balance Response Body
"interest_balance": 5183.4624
Interest Account Balance Request
Query Parameter | Description |
currency-code | The ISO-4217 currency code of the interest account. If omitted, will default to USD. |
Interest Account Activity Response Body
Interest Account Activity Request
Query Parameter | Description |
start-date* | The start date for the report. Must be in yyyy-mm-dd format. |
end-date | The end date for the report. Must be in yyyy-mm-dd format. If omitted, will default to the current date. |
offset | The offset for the report. |
currency-code | The ISO-4217 currency code of the interest account. If omitted, will default to USD. |
Order Webhooks
"time": "2017-10-19T00:33:10.548372055Z",
"uuid": "02c5a2a0-8394-4b45-80b3-52d40c494322",
"type": "order_update",
"event": "order_complete",
"object_uuid": "Ref123456789",
"refund_id": "szl-a0293Pn-3948-80b3-ao34JAia39zQ",
"refund_amount": {
"amount_in_cents": 500,
"currency": "USD"
Because the majority of a consumer's checkout process happens on Sezzle's pages, our API uses webhooks to communicate information about checkout updates, completions, or refunds to your system.
We expect any response in the 200 range on submitting webhooks.
Order Webhook Object
Parameter | Type | Description |
time | string | The time (UTC) at which the Webhook was generated. |
uuid | string | A unique identifier for the webhook. |
type | string | The high-level category. For example, order_update |
event | string | The specific action. For example, order_complete |
object_uuid | string | The ID for the Checkout/Order. |
refund_id | string optional | Unique ID for a refund. Included if the webhook event is order_refund. |
refund_amount | object optional | Price object. Included if the webhook event is order_refund. |
Order Update Events/Types
Type | Event | Description |
order_update | order_complete | The checkout was completed successfully |
order_update | order_refund | The order was refunded from the Sezzle Merchant Dashboard |
Error Details
Response Error Body
"status": 400,
"id": "error_id",
"message": "Descriptive message"
Unless otherwise specified in our documentation, Sezzle returns a standard API error object.
We attempt to keep these errors as consistent as possible, and will announce any changes in advance if they are required.
Error Object
Parameter | Type | Description |
Status | int | Matches the HTTP Status code of the response |
ID | string | A programmatic identifier for the error. These rarely (if at all) change. |
Message | string | A human-friendly string. These may change, and are intended to assist in debugging rather than program logic. |
Javascript SDK
The Javascript SDK is documented in the latest API v2 documentation. It is supported for users of the v1 API using the same loadable page script.
When using the Javascript SDK with v1, use apiVersion: "v1"
in the Checkout constructor.
Create a Checkout
checkout_payload: {
"amount_in_cents": 12999,
"currency_code": "USD",
"order_reference_id": "Ref123456789",
"order_description": "Order #1800",
When using the Javascript SDK with v1, a checkout is created using the Checkout Object. The checkout is completed using the Complete a Checkout endpoint. This endpoint differs from the v2 endpoint in that it captures the total order amount and does not require a request body. Because of this, do not use the payload object shown in the example capture.
Complete a Checkout
Widget SDK
The Widget SDK serves to load our sales widgets to web pages. The widgets will not show unless a config is provided before the script is loaded. The repository for this project can be found at
View our latest documentation for configuring widgets.