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User Test Data

Test data is important to use in our Sandbox environment because it offers a way to use reliable forced responses.

Phone and Personal Information

  1. Use any valid US or CA phone number, real or fake.
  2. The expected OTP is 123123.
  3. Personal information does not need to be real.

Test Credit Cards

Visa4242424242424242Any 3 digitsAny future date
Mastercard5555555555554444Any 3 digitsAny future date
Amex371449635398431Any 4 digitsAny future date
Amex378282246310005Any 4 digitsAny future date
Discover6011111111111117Any 3 digitsAny future date

Checkout Testing

  1. On your website, add an item to your cart, then proceed to Checkout and select Sezzle as the payment method.
  2. Click Place Order.
  3. If you are redirected to the Sezzle checkout page, your integration is complete. Congratulations!
  4. In sandbox, use the above test data to complete the Sezzle checkout and you should be redirected back to your website. In production, BE CAREFUL when completing the Sezzle checkout, as you will be charged. You can identify the Sezzle environment by observing if "sandbox" is included in the Sezzle checkout URL.