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About Sezzle Page

How do I make an "About Sezzle" page?

Adding a page about Sezzle will help your customers understand how Sezzle works and the benefits of paying with Sezzle. We have a pre-made HTML template ready for use on your website. Start by selecting your platform, and then use the code from the "Code Snippets" section to complete the page!

To see a sample of what the page looks like, click here

Shopify Process

To set up the page on Shopify, follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to your Shopify Store
  2. Navigate to "Online Store" "Themes"
  3. On the theme you want to edit, select "Actions" and then "Edit Code"
  4. Under the "Templates" folder, click "Add New Template", select template for "Page", template type "liquid", and name the page "Sezzle", then click Create Template
  5. Select the theme that best fits your store from the tabs listed.
  6. Copy the code and paste it under {{page.content}} on the Shopify page.
  7. Save
  8. Navigate to "Pages"
  9. Add a new page, and give it a title - we recommend something like "How Sezzle Works" or "How to use Sezzle"
  10. Under "Theme Template" (in the bottom-right), select "sezzle"
  11. Save and view the page

You can now add the page to your navigation:

  1. Go to "Online Store" "Navigation"
  2. Select the menu where you would like the Sezzle link to appear (ex: Main menu)
  3. Click "Add menu item"
  4. Enter the text you wish to appear (ex: How Sezzle Works)
  5. Click the second box, select "Pages" then the page you just created
  6. Click Add
  7. Click Save Menu

Other Platforms

To set up the page on any other platform, please work with your web developer and/or follow the steps below.

  1. Create a new page in your theme
  2. Copy and paste the code into your website's page
  3. Click save and/or publish!

Code Snippet

Add your merchant_uuid, adjust theme and language as per your website's requirements.

  • merchant_uuid is your merchant ID which is of the format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • theme can either be light or dark.
  • language can either be en or fr.

Insert the following code into your HTML file:

<div id="how-sezzle-works"></div>
const config = {
merchant_uuid: "",
theme: "",
language: ""
const node = document.getElementById('how-sezzle-works');
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = '';
iframe.height = '2000px';
iframe.width = '100%'; = 'none';
iframe.onload = function () {
key: "about_sezzle_config",
}, "*")