Using Virtual Card SDK
This is the fastest way to get started using the virtual card offering from Sezzle. A virtual card checkout implements the Card Session API to provide an easy to use, in-context solution for issuing and using a Sezzle virtual card as payment.
The Sezzle non-production environment does not provide a way to test the payment processing using your provider
- Virtual Card Checkout in an iframe or pop-up window
- Handle Virtual Card Approval Success
- Handle Virtual Card Approval Cancel
- Handle Virtual Card Approval Failure
- Render Sezzle Button
- Enable plain card details through message event or tokenization
Include SDK code
in the <head>
section of the page.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Checkout Configuration
The first requirement to get started with the VC SDK is to configure a new Checkout object.
Configuration options
Attribute | Required | Options |
publicKey | Yes | xxxx (used only when creating a checkout) |
mode | No | popup or iframe |
apiMode | No | live or sandbox |
isVirtualCard | No | true |
popup mode will work out-of-the-box (provided Sezzle has set up your merchant account as virtual card). No additional configuration is required to use popup. Sezzle currently recommends popup mode.
iframe mode will not work properly without first contacting Sezzle. For security reasons, Sezzle must enable iframe for your domain(s). To have it enabled, please submit a request with your Sezzle Merchant UUID and a list of domains to be allowed per environment (production and sandbox). For example, please enable, in sandbox and, in production.
The integration for popup and iframe are identical, aside from the mode. Using popup mode will expedite your development. Upon completing the integration, if iframe is a requirement, then contact Sezzle to enable your domain(s) and switch the mode to iframe.
Example configuration
const checkout = new Checkout({
'mode': "popup",
'publicKey': "xxxx",
'apiMode': "sandbox",
'isVirtualCard': true
Sezzle Button Configuration
Create a placeholder element for the Sezzle Button to be rendered on the page(s).
Use HTML attributes to customize the button.
Attribute | Description |
templateText | Text that will prepended with the Sezzle logo. Default is Checkout with %%logo%% |
borderType | Options are square and semi-rounded |
customClass | Custom classes to be applied |
paddingTop | Default is 1px |
paddingBottom | Default is 7px |
paddingLeft | Default is 30px |
paddingRight | Default is 30px |
sezzleImageWidth | Default is 84px |
sezzleImagePositionTop | Position of the Sezzle logo from top. |
sezzleImagePositionBottom | Position of the Sezzle logo from bottom. |
sezzleImagePositionLeft | Position of the Sezzle logo from left. |
sezzleImagePositionRight | Position of the Sezzle logo from right. |
letterSpacing | Spacing between the templateText letter. |
width | Width of the button |
height | Height of the button. Default is 4.2em |
Example Setup
<!-- button placeholder -->
<div id="sezzle-smart-button-container"></div>
<!-- button with customization -->
<div id="sezzle-smart-button-container" style="text-align: center"
templateText="Pay with %%logo%%"
Render the Sezzle Button
Requires having the checkout
object created from above to render the button. Call renderSezzleButton
passing the id
of the placeholder element defined in Button Configuration, above.
Initialize the checkout
Now the button has rendered to the screen we need to set the click handling to connect your ecommerce application to Sezzle. Initializing the checkout will do that and provide all the handlers needed to make your site successful.
Event handlers
The SDK requires the following event handlers that can be used to extend features in your application.
Event | Required | Description |
onClick | Yes | Sezzle Button is clicked by the user |
onComplete | Yes | Sezzle Virtual Card is successfully approved |
onCancel | Yes | Sezzle Virtual Card approval process is cancelled |
onFailure | Yes | Sezzle Virtual Card is not approved |
Event handler details
- A successfully completed Sezzle checkout will trigger an event to the
handler. The event should include adata
object with thesession_id
and objects withcard
details. - If the user exits the Sezzle checkout for any reason, the
handler will be executed. - If there is an error loading the Sezzle checkout page, the
handler will be executed.
onClick: function () {
checkout_payload: {
amount_in_cents: 100,
currency: "USD",
merchant_reference_id: "merchant-checkout-id-max-255",
customer: {
email: "",
first_name: "John",
last_name: "Doe",
phone: "0987654321",
billing_address_street1: "3432 Terry Lane",
billing_address_street2: "12",
billing_address_city: "Katy",
billing_address_state: "TX",
billing_address_postal_code: "77449",
billing_address_country_code: "US"
items: [
name: "Blue tee",
sku: "sku123456",
quantity: 1,
price: {
amount_in_cents: 1000,
currency: "USD"
onComplete: function (event) {
onCancel: function() {
console.log("checkout canceled");
onFailure: function() {
console.log("checkout failed");
is optional but providing as much information as possible will improve customer experience. If used the request body should be a session object.
in the payload above is used only for troubleshooting. The Reference ID that shows in the Merchant Dashboard can be set using Set Order Reference ID
with card data
will contain a fully formed payload containing the customers payment method. This information is not the payment method used to pay Sezzle but one that can be used through your payment gateway (Cybersource, Stripe, Braintree, etc).
"session_id": "example-sezzle-id",
"card": {
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"pan": "string",
"cvv": "string",
"expiryMonth": "string",
"expiryYear": "string"
"holder": {
"email": "string",
"phone": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"address1": "string",
"address2": "string",
"city": "string",
"state": "string",
"country": "string",
"postalCode": "string"
with tokenization
Tokenization is a feature developed for merchants who do not want the card information sent directly through the message event. Instead the payload to onComplete
will contain a card token string.
Checkout initialization
onClick: function () {
checkout_payload: {
+ "card_response_format":"token"
onComplete: function (event) {
onCancel: function() {
console.log("checkout canceled");
onFailure: function() {
console.log("checkout failed");
"card": {
"token": "string"
Get card data
The virtual card data can be obtained using the token above using the Virtual Card Data method.
Set Order Reference ID
In many cases, the merchant order ID will not be generated until after the checkout is completed and an order is created. Call setOrderReferenceID
to set the Sezzle Order Reference ID with the merchant order ID after the virtual card transaction has been successfully completed.
Using SDK
session_id: "example-session-id",
order_id: "merchant-order-id"
Using API
The Update Card Session API endpoint exists where you are able to update the Order ID based.